Calpain Inhibitors

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Calpain inhibitors are a kind of compounds targeting calpains. Calpains are a class of cytosolic calcium-regulated cysteine proteases, they have functions to regulate various cellular processes.

Calpains participate in many physiological functions, they are also linked to several diseases, like: neurodegenerative disorders, cardiovascular disorders, and cancer. Calpain inhibitors are studied in preclinical models of these diseases.

Notice: All peptides are only for research purposes, Not for clinical use.

Calpain Inhibitors

1.Calpain Inhibitor I
  • Name: Calpain Inhibitor I|C-Reactive Protein (CRP) (174-185)
  • Sequence: IYLGGPFSPNVL
  • CAS Number: [160369-86-8]
  • Formula: C62H93N13O16
  • Characteristics: None
  • Reference: B.P.Barna et al., Cancer Immunol. Immunother., 36, 171 (1993)
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