Conotoxins are neurotoxic peptides (10-30 amino acids) isolated from the venom of cone snails, genus Conus. It usually contains one or more disulfide bonds, and the specificity of its is provided by the network of disulfide bonds as well as specific amino acids in the inter-cysteine loops. So far, the activity of five different types of conotoxins has been identified: α-, δ-, κ-, μ-, and ω-type. It has been discovered that conotoxins exhibit remarkable selectivity towards a wide variety of mammalian ion channels and receptors linked to pain signaling pathways. They exert function by blocking neuronal communication, but each of them is aimed at different aspects of achieving this process.
- α-conotoxin: Inhibitors of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in nerves and muscles.
- δ-conotoxin: Delayers of activation of voltage-gated sodium channels.
- κ-conotoxin: Inhibitors of voltage-gated potassium channels.
- μ-conotoxin: Inhibitors of voltage-gated sodium channels in muscle.
- ω-conotoxin: Inhibitors of N-type voltage- gated calcium channels.
Notice: All peptides are only for research purposes, Not for clinical use.

- Name: ω-Conotoxin GVIA
- Sequence: CKS-(Hyp)-GSSCS-(Hyp)-TSYNCCRSCN-(Hyp)-YTKRCY-NH2
- CAS Number: [106375-28-4]
- Formula: C120H182N38O43S6
- Characteristics: (Disulfide bridges: Cys1-Cys16, Cys8-Cys19, Cys15-Cys26)
- Reference: Wright, C. and JA. Angus, J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 30, 392 (1997);Serone, A. and JA. Angus, Br. J. Pharmacol. 127, 927 (1999)

- Name: ω-Conotoxin MVIIC
- CAS Number: [147794-23-8]
- Formula: C106H178N40O32S7
- Characteristics: (Disulfide bridge: Cys1-Cys16, Cys8-Cys20, and Cys15-Cys26)
- Reference: McDonough, S. et al. J. Neurosci. 16, 2612 (1996);Hillyard, DR. et al. Neuron. 9, 69, (1992)

- Name: u-Conotoxin GIIIB
- Sequence: RDCCT-(Hyp)-(Hyp)-RKCKDRRCK-(Hyp)-MKCCA-NH2
- CAS Number: [140678-12-2]
- Formula: None
- Characteristics: None
- Reference: None

- Name: u-Conotoxin GIIIA
- Sequence: RDCCT-(Hyp)-(Hyp)-KKCKDRQCK-(Hyp)-QRCCA-NH2
- CAS Number: [129129-65-3]
- Formula: None
- Characteristics: None
- Reference: None

- Name: Biotin-Ahx-ω-Conotoxin GVIA
- Sequence: Biotin-(Ahx)-CKS-(Hyp)-GSSCS-(Hyp)-TSYNCCRSCN-(Hyp)-YTKRCY-NH2
- CAS Number: [151928-23-3]
- Formula: None
- Characteristics: None
- Reference: None

- Name: alpha-Conotoxin EI
- CAS Number: [170663-33-9]
- Formula: C83H125N27O27S5
- Characteristics: (Cys4-Cys10, Cys5-Cys18 bridge)
- Reference: None

- Name: alpha-Conotoxin GI
- CAS Number: [76862-65-2]
- Formula: C55H80N20O18S4
- Characteristics: (Cys2-Cys7, Cys3-Cys13 bridge)
- Reference: None

- Name: alpha-Conotoxin IMI
- CAS Number: [156467-85-5]
- Formula: C52H78N20O15S4
- Characteristics: (Cys2-Cys8, Cys3-Cys12 bridge)
- Reference: None

- Name: alpha-Conotoxin MI
- CAS Number: [83481-45-2]
- Formula: C58H88N22O17S4
- Characteristics: (Cys3-Cys8, Cys4-Cys14 bridge)
- Reference: None

- Name: alpha-Conotoxin SI
- CAS Number: [115797-06-3]
- Formula: C55H84N16O16S4
- Characteristics: (Cys2-Cys7, Cys3-Cys13 bridge)
- Reference: None

- Name: alpha-Conotoxin SIA
- CAS Number: None
- Formula: C60H82N18O17S4
- Characteristics: (Cys2-Cys7, Cys3-Cys13 bridge)
- Reference: None
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