RGD Peptides

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RGD peptides are applied ubiquitously in bio-engineering for the development of drugs and diagnostics. Arginylglycylaspartic acid (RGD) is a common peptide motif, it is responsible for cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM). Depending on the application and the targeted integrin, RGD peptides are modified or replaced to promote cell adhesion.

Notice: All peptides are only for research purposes, Not for clinical use.

RGD Peptides

  • Name: RGD-4C
  • Sequence: ACDCRGDCFCG
  • CAS Number: None
  • Formula: C42H60N14O16S4
  • Characteristics: (Disulfide bridge: 2-10 and 4-8)
  • Reference: Curnis, F. et al. Cancer Res. 64, 565 (2004)
  • Name: R-G-D
  • Sequence: RGD
  • CAS Number: [99896-85-2]
  • Formula: C12H22N6O6
  • Characteristics: None
  • Reference: None
  • Name: RGD-4C
  • Sequence: ACDCRGDCFCG
  • CAS Number: None
  • Formula: C42H60N14O16S4
  • Characteristics: (Cys2-Cys10, Cys4-Cys8 bridge)
  • Reference: None
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