Valorphin and Related Peptide

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Valorphin is a natural endogenous opioid heptapeptide, it is also known as VV-hemorphin-5. Valorphin has amino acid sequence of H-Val-Val-Tyr-Pro-Trp-Thr-Gln-OH (VVYPWTQ). It is produced via proteolyic cleavage of residues 33-39 on the β-chain of hemoglobin.

Valorphin is an endogenous opioid-like homoglobin fragment, it is the precursor of hemorphin. Valorphin can bind to the μ-opioid receptor preferentially, and create analgesia and self-administration effects in animals. It also has cytotoxic and antiproliferative properties.

Notice: All peptides are only for research purposes, Not for clinical use.

Valorphin and Related Peptide

  • Name: Leu-Valorphin-Arg
  • Sequence: LVVYPWTQR
  • CAS Number: [135861-77-7]
  • Formula: None
  • Characteristics: None
  • Reference: None
  • Name: Valorphin
  • Sequence: VVYPWTQ
  • CAS Number: [144313-54-2]
  • Formula: C44H61N9O11
  • Characteristics: None
  • Reference: None
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