Recombinant Proteins

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Recombinant proteins are encoded by recombinant DNA, which is cloned in the expression vectors with support expression of genes and translation of messenger RNAs. Recombinant protein is a manipulated form of native protein, it is generated in various methods for large quantity, modified gene sequences, and useful commercial products. The formation of recombinant proteins are carried out in specific vectors, the formation process is recombinant technology.

Recombinant protein is encoded by recombinant gene, which is cloned in expression system with supports expression of the gene and translation of messenger RNA. The modifications of gene in recombinant DNA technology can lead to the expression of mutant proteins.

Notice: All antibodies&proteins are only for research purposes, Not for clinical use.

Human Recombinant Protein

Recombinant 11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 (HSD11b2)
  • Name: Recombinant 11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 (HSD11b2)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400519296
  • Species: Human
  • Alternative Names: AME, AME1, HSD11K, HSD2, SDR9C3, Short Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase Family 9C,Member 3, NAD-dependent 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
  • Sequence: Met105~Arg405
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 36.7kDa
  • Purity: > 90%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase
Recombinant 150 kDa Oxygen Regulated Protein (ORP150)
  • Name: Recombinant 150 kDa Oxygen Regulated Protein (ORP150)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400515522
  • Species: Human
  • Alternative Names: HYOU1, HSP12A, Grp170, Glucose-Regulated Protein 170, Hypoxia Up Regulated 1
  • Sequence: Met695~Leu994
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 35.3kDa
  • Purity: > 97%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Signal transduction
Recombinant 150 kDa Oxygen Regulated Protein (ORP150)
  • Name: Recombinant 15-Lipoxygenase-2 (15-LO-2)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400521522
  • Species: Human
  • Alternative Names: ALOX15B, LOX15B, 15-LOX-2, Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase type II, Lipoxygenase 15, Type B, 15-lipoxygenase 2, Linoleate 13-lipoxygenase 15-LOb Arachidonate-15-Lipoxygenase, Type B
  • Sequence: Arg253~Glu490 (Accession # O15296)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 30.5kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase, Metabolic pathway.

Mouse Recombinant Protein

Recombinant 17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 10 (HSD17b10)
  • Name: Recombinant 17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 10 (HSD17b10)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400519294
  • Species: Mouse
  • Alternative Names: 17b-HSD10, ABAD, ERAB, HADH2, HCD2, MHBD, SCHAD, SDR5C1, MRPP2, CAMR, 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2, AB-Binding Alcohol Dehydrogenase
  • Sequence: Ala4~Ala202
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 24.1kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase
Recombinant 17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 10 (HSD17b10)
  • Name: Recombinant 17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 10 (HSD17b10)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400519295
  • Species: Mouse
  • Alternative Names:17b-HSD10, ABAD, ERAB, HADH2, HCD2, MHBD, SCHAD, SDR5C1, MRPP2, CAMR, 3-Hydroxyacyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Type-2, AB-Binding Alcohol Dehydrogenase
  • Sequence: None
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: None
  • Purity: > 97%
  • Source:  E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase
Recombinant 17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 12 (HSD17b12)
  • Name: Recombinant 17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 12 (HSD17b12)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400518179
  • Species: Mouse
  • Alternative Names: KAR, SDR12C1, Estradiol 17-beta-dehydrogenase 12, 3-Ketoacyl-CoA Reductase, Short Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase Family 12C,Member 1
  • Sequence: Met1~Asn312 (Accession # O70503)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 61.8kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase

Rat Recombinant Protein

Recombinant 11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (HSD11b1)
  • Name: Recombinant 11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 1 (HSD11b1)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400527067
  • Species: Rat
  • Alternative Names: 11DH, 11-beta-HSD1, HDL, HSD11, HSD11B, HSD11L, SDR26C1, Corticosteroid 11-beta-dehydrogenase isozyme 1, Short Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase Family 26C,Member 1
  • Sequence: Met1~Asn288
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 35.6kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase,Metabolic pathway,Endocrinology,Cardiovascular biology,Neuro science,Hepatology,Hormone metabolism.
Recombinant 11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 (HSD11b2)
  • Name: Recombinant 11-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 2 (HSD11b2)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400519297
  • Species: Rat
  • Alternative Names: AME, AME1, HSD11K, HSD2, SDR9C3, Short Chain Dehydrogenase/Reductase Family 9C,Member 3, NAD-dependent 11-beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase
  • Sequence: Leu58~Pro393
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 40.5kDa
  • Purity: > 90%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase
Recombinant 15-Lipoxygenase-2 (15-LO-2)
  • Name: Recombinant 15-Lipoxygenase-2 (15-LO-2)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400522438
  • Species: Rat
  • Alternative Names: ALOX15B, LOX15B, 15-LOX-2, Arachidonate 15-lipoxygenase type II, Lipoxygenase 15, Type B, 15-lipoxygenase 2, Linoleate 13-lipoxygenase 15-LOb Arachidonate-15-Lipoxygenase, Type B
  • Sequence: Asp349~Val633 (Accession # Q8K4F2)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 35.8kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase,Metabolic pathway.

Pig Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Adiponectin (ADPN)
  • Name: Recombinant Adiponectin (ADPN)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400520556
  • Species: Pig
  • Alternative Names: GBP28, ApM1, AdipoQ, Acrp30, ACDC, APM1, C1Q And Collagen Domain Containing, Adipocyte Complement-Related Protein Of 30 KDa, Adipose Most Abundant Gene Transcript 1
  • Sequence: Gly17~Glu243 (Accession # Q6PP07)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 56.7kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway,Infection immunity,Cardiovascular biology.
Recombinant Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
  • Name: Recombinant Alanine Aminotransferase (ALT)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400518061
  • Species: Pig
  • Alternative Names: GPT, ALAT, SGPT, AAT1, GPT1, Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase, Alanine Transaminase, Glutamate pyruvate transaminase 1, Glutamic–alanine transaminase 1
  • Sequence: Leu16~Ile64 (Accession # F1RSP5)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 37.6kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase,Infection immunity,Hepatology.
Recombinant Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (a1AGP)
  • Name: Recombinant Alpha-1-Acid Glycoprotein (a1AGP)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400520656
  • Species: Pig
  • Alternative Names: AGP1, a1-AGP, ORM1, OMD 1, Orosomucoid 1
  • Sequence: Leu2~Glu171
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 23.0kDa
  • Purity: > 97%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Infection immunity,Hepatology,Gastroenterology,Immunodeficiency.

Bovine Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM)
  • Name: Recombinant Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400512209
  • Species: Bovine
  • Alternative Names: CD166, MEMD, Activated Leucocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule
  • Sequence: Trp28~Lys527
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 59.5kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: CD & Adhesion molecule,Tumor immunity.
Recombinant Activin A Receptor Type II A (ACVR2A)
  • Name: Recombinant Activin A Receptor Type II A (ACVR2A)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400517913
  • Species: Bovine
  • Alternative Names:ACVR2-A, ACTRII, ACTR-II, ACVR2
  • Sequence: Leu192~Ser325 (Accession # Q28043)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 16.8kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Signal transduction,Endocrinology,Hormone metabolism.
Recombinant Activin A Receptor Type II A (ACVR2A)
  • Name: Recombinant Activin A Receptor Type II A (ACVR2A)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400517236
  • Species: Bovine
  • Alternative Names: ACVR2-A, ACTRII, ACTR-II, ACVR2
  • Sequence: Ala20~Pro135 (Accession # Q28043)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 15.0kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Signal transduction,Endocrinology,Hormone metabolism.

Rabbit Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Acid Phosphatase 5, Tartrate Resistant (ACP5)
  • Name: Recombinant Acid Phosphatase 5, Tartrate Resistant (ACP5)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400517881
  • Species: Rabbit
  • Alternative Names: TRAP, TrATPase, Tartrate Resistant Acid Phosphatase, Type 5 acid phosphatase
  • Sequence: Tyr74~Lys321 (Accession # O97860)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 29.8kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase,Metabolic pathway,Hepatology.
Recombinant Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM)
  • Name: Recombinant Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400512213
  • Species: Rabbit
  • Alternative Names: CD166, MEMD, Activated Leucocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule
  • Sequence: Gly225~Ala478 (Accession # O46651)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 29.3kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: CD & Adhesion molecule,Tumor immunity.
Recombinant Adiponectin (ADPN)
  • Name: Recombinant Adiponectin (ADPN)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400513758
  • Species: Rabbit
  • Alternative Names: GBP28, ApM1, AdipoQ, Acrp30, ACDC, APM1, C1Q And Collagen Domain Containing, Adipocyte Complement-Related Protein Of 30 KDa, Adipose Most Abundant Gene Transcript 1
  • Sequence: Gln18~Asn244
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 28.2kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway,Infection immunity,Cardiovascular biology.

Canine Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM)
  • Name: Recombinant Activated Leukocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule (ALCAM)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400512212
  • Species: Canine
  • Alternative Names: CD166, MEMD, Activated Leucocyte Cell Adhesion Molecule
  • Sequence: Cys208-His476 (Accession # O46634)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 31.2kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: CD & Adhesion molecule,Tumor immunity.
Recombinant Adiponectin (ADPN)
  • Name: Recombinant Adiponectin (ADPN)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400513752
  • Species: Canine
  • Alternative Names: GBP28, ApM1, AdipoQ, Acrp30, ACDC, APM1, C1Q And Collagen Domain Containing, Adipocyte Complement-Related Protein Of 30 KDa, Adipose Most Abundant Gene Transcript 1
  • Sequence: Gln18~Asn244
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 54.5kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway,Infection immunity,Cardiovascular biology.
Recombinant Adrenomedullin (ADM)
  • Name: Recombinant Adrenomedullin (ADM)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400513145
  • Species: Canine
  • Alternative Names: AM, PAMP, Proadrenomedullin N-20 terminal peptide, ProAM N-terminal 20 peptide
  • Sequence: Arg31~Lys187 (Accession # O77559)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 19.2kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Endocrinology,Hormone metabolism.

Chicken Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Adiponectin (ADPN)
  • Name: Recombinant Adiponectin (ADPN)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400513753
  • Species: Chicken
  • Alternative Names: GBP28, ApM1, AdipoQ, Acrp30, ACDC, APM1, C1Q And Collagen Domain Containing, Adipocyte Complement-Related Protein Of 30 KDa, Adipose Most Abundant Gene Transcript 1
  • Sequence: Met32~Arg244 (Accession # 46195854)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 27.0kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway,Infection immunity,Cardiovascular biology.
Recombinant Alpha-Fodrin (SPTAN1)
  • Name: Recombinant Alpha-Fodrin (SPTAN1)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400513291
  • Species: Chicken
  • Alternative Names: SPTAN1, NEAS, (ALPHA)II-SPECTRIN, Spectrin aAlpha Non-Erythrocytic 1, Spectrin Alpha Chain,Brain, Spectrin, non-erythroid alpha subunit
  • Sequence: Val22~Gln210 (Accession # P07751)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 23.9kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Signal transduction,Apoptosis.
Recombinant Alpha-Fodrin (SPTAN1)
  • Name: Recombinant Alpha-Fodrin (SPTAN1)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400513294
  • Species: Chicken
  • Alternative Names: SPTAN1, NEAS, (ALPHA)II-SPECTRIN, Spectrin Alpha Non-Erythrocytic 1, Spectrin Alpha Chain,Brain, Spectrin, non-erythroid alpha subunit
  • Sequence: Thr595~Ser783 (Accession # P07751)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 22.9kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Signal transduction,Apoptosis.

Goat Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)
  • Name: Recombinant Interleukin 1 Alpha (IL1a)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400522926
  • Species: Goat
  • Alternative Names: IL1-A, IL-1α, IL1F1, Preinterleukin 1 Alpha, Hematopoietin-1, Pro-Interleukin-1-Alpha, Interleukin-1 Family Member 1
  • Sequence: Gln90~Lys268 (Accession # P79161)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 22.1kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Cytokine,Apoptosis.
Recombinant Interleukin 10 (IL10)
  • Name: Recombinant Interleukin 10 (IL10)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400512486
  • Species: Goat
  • Alternative Names: CSIF, IL10A, TGIF, Cytokine Synthesis Inhibitory Factor
  • Sequence: Ser17~Met174
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 18.4kDa
  • Purity: > 97%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Cytokine,Infection immunity.
Recombinant Interleukin 15 (IL15)
  • Name: Recombinant Interleukin 15 (IL15)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400512529
  • Species: Goat
  • Alternative Names: None
  • Sequence: Thr27~Ser161
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 19kDa
  • Purity: > 97%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Cytokine,Infection immunity.

Guinea Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Alpha-2-Heremans Schmid Glycoprotein (AHSG)
  • Name: Recombinant Alpha-2-Heremans Schmid Glycoprotein (AHSG)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400513059
  • Species: Guinea
  • Alternative Names: aHSG, HSGa, A2HS, AHS, FETUA, HSG-A2, Fetuin-A, Alpha 2-HS Glycoprotein, Fetuin A, Alpha-2-Z-Globulin, Ba-alpha-2-Glycoprotein
  • Sequence: Thr19~IIe358
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 40kDa
  • Purity: > 90%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Infection immunity
Recombinant Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5)
  • Name: Recombinant Apolipoprotein A5 (APOA5)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400525374
  • Species: Guinea
  • Alternative Names: Apo-A5, APOA-V, APOAV, RAP3, Regeneration-associated protein 3
  • Sequence: Ser78~Ala368
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 36.2kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway,Endocrinology,Cardiovascular biology,Hepatology,Nutrition metabolism.
Recombinant Apolipoprotein C2 (APOC2)
  • Name: Recombinant Apolipoprotein C2 (APOC2)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400515216
  • Species: Guinea
  • Alternative Names: APC2, Apo-C2, ProapoC-II, Apolipoprotein C-II, Proapolipoprotein C-II
  • Sequence: Asp32~Gln100
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 37.5kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway,Cardiovascular biology,Hepatology,Nutrition metabolism,.

Horse Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Apolipoprotein A1 Binding Protein (APOA1BP)
  • Name: Recombinant Apolipoprotein A1 Binding Protein (APOA1BP)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400519530
  • Species: Horse
  • Alternative Names: Apo-A1BP, AIBP, YJEFN1, NAD(P)H-hydrate epimerase, NAD(P)HX epimerase, YjeF N-terminal domain-containing protein 1
  • Sequence: Ser20~Gln288
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 33.3kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway
Recombinant Apolipoprotein C2 (APOC2)
  • Name: Recombinant Apolipoprotein C2 (APOC2)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400517320
  • Species: Horse
  • Alternative Names: APC2, Apo-C2, ProapoC-II, Apolipoprotein C-II, Proapolipoprotein C-II
  • Sequence: Thr23~Ser101
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 12.5kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway,Cardiovascular biology,Hepatology,Nutrition metabolism.
Recombinant Apolipoprotein M (APOM)
  • Name: Recombinant Apolipoprotein M (APOM)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400516930
  • Species: Horse
  • Alternative Names: Apo-M, G3a, NG20, Protein G3a
  • Sequence: Gln22~Asn188
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 22.5kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Metabolic pathway,Cardiovascular biology,Hepatology,Nutrition metabolism.

Monkey Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Beta-2-Microglobulin (b2M)
  • Name: Recombinant Beta-2-Microglobulin (b2M)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400520417
  • Species: Monkey
  • Alternative Names: BMG, B2MG
  • Sequence: Ile21~Met119
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 15.3kDa
  • Purity: > 90%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Infection immunity,Kidney biomarker.
Recombinant Cathepsin K (CTSK)
  • Name: Recombinant Cathepsin K (CTSK)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400513250
  • Species: Monkey
  • Alternative Names: CTS-K, CTS02, CTSO, CTSO1, CTSO2, PKND, PYCD, Pycnodysostosis, Cathepsin O, Cathepsin X
  • Sequence: Pro116~Met329 (Accession # P61277)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 24.9kDa
  • Purity: > 97%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase,Infection immunity,Bone metabolism.
Recombinant Cluster Of Differentiation 4 (CD4)
  • Name: Recombinant Cluster Of Differentiation 4 (CD4)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400516913
  • Species: Monkey
  • Alternative Names: CD4mut, p55, T-cell surface glycoprotein CD4, T-cell surface antigen T4/Leu-3
  • Sequence: Lys26~Pro396 (Accession # P16003)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 46.5kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Signal transduction,CD & Adhesion molecule,Immune molecule.

Sheep Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Cluster Of Differentiation 3d (CD3d)
  • Name: Recombinant Cluster Of Differentiation 3d (CD3d)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400515052
  • Species: Sheep
  • Alternative Names: CD3-DELTA, T3D, T-Dell Surface Glycoprotein CD3 Delta Chain, T-cell receptor T3 delta chain
  • Sequence: Val19~Thr99 (Accession # P18438)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 10.5kDa
  • Purity: > 97%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Signal transduction,CD & Adhesion molecule,Tumor immunity,Infection immunity,Immune molecule.
Recombinant Clusterin (CLU)
  • Name: Recombinant Clusterin (CLU)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400522888
  • Species: Sheep
  • Alternative Names: CLU, TRPM2, KUB1, CLI, APOJ, SGP2, AAG4, APO-J, SP-40, Apolipoprotein J, Complement Lysis Inhibitor, 40,Sulfated Glycoprotein 2, Testosterone-Repressed Prostate Message 2
  • Sequence: Ile20~Glu439
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 52.6kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Apoptosis,Tumor immunity,Infection immunity.
Recombinant Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF)
  • Name: Recombinant Connective Tissue Growth Factor (CTGF)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400512254
  • Species: Sheep
  • Alternative Names: CCN2, HCS24, IGFBP8, NOV2, Insulin-Like Growth Factor-Binding Protein 8, Hypertrophic Chondrocyte-Specific Protein 24, CCN Family Member 2
  • Sequence: Ala101~Pro330 (Accession # C7EDS5)
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 27.0kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: ECytokine

Universal Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Early Region 1A Protein (E1A)
  • Name: Recombinant Early Region 1A Protein (E1A)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400525130
  • Species: Universal
  • Alternative Names: Early E1A 32 kDa protein
  • Sequence: Met1~Tyr184+SK
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 24.4kDa
  • Purity: > 90%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Infection immunity
Recombinant Ecotin (ECO)
  • Name: Recombinant Ecotin (ECO)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400516863
  • Species: Universal
  • Alternative Names: None
  • Sequence: Ala21~Arg162
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 19.9kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: None
Recombinant Envelope Protein (E)
  • Name: Recombinant Envelope Protein (E)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400525306
  • Species: Universal
  • Alternative Names: E Protein, Zika Virus Envelope glycoprotein
  • Sequence: Ile1~Lys409
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 48.3kDa
  • Purity: > 95%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: None

Hamster Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp)
  • Name: Recombinant Glutathione S Transferase Pi (GSTp)
  • Catalog Number: QY-P400516752
  • Species: Hamster
  • Alternative Names: GSTP1, GST-P1, DFN7, FAEES3, GST3
  • Sequence: Met1~Gln210
  • Predicted Mol. Wt: 27.3kDa
  • Purity: > 90%
  • Source: E.coli
  • Application: Western Blot, ELISA, Standard
  • Research Area: Enzyme & Kinase,Metabolic pathway,Tumor immunity,Hepatology.
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